Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra


Some Words

A.  Research Papers


1.       Selvi A, Nair NV, Noyer JL, Singh NK, Balasundaram N, Bansal KC, Koundal KR and Mohapatra T (2005) AFLP analysis of phenetic organization and genetic diversity in the sugarcane complex, Saccharum and Erianthus. Genetic Resources Crop Evol. (in press)

2.       Thomas G, Mohapatra T, Rao AR and Sharma RP (2005) Distinguishing Indian commercial wheat varieties using RAPD based DNA fingerprints. Indian J. Biotech. (in press)

3.       Garg A, Singh AK, Prabhu KV, Mohapatra T, Tyagi NK, Nandakumar N and Zaman FU (2005) Utility of a fertility restorer gene linked marker for testing genetic purity of hybrid seeds in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Seed Sci. Tech. (in press)

4.       The Rice Chromosomes 11 and 12 Sequencing Consortia (2005) The sequence of rice chromosomes 11 and 12, rich in disease resistance genes and recent gene duplications. BMC Biology, 3:20 (T. Mohapatra worked as Co-PI of the Indian Initiative at the NRCPB, IARI, New Delhi)

5.       International Rice Genome Sequencing Project (2005) The map-based sequence of the rice genome. Nature 436:793-800 (T. Mohapatra worked as Co-PI of the Indian Initiative at the NRCPB, IARI, New Delhi)

6.       Selvi A, Nair NV, Noyer JL, Singh NK, Balasundaram N, Bansal KC, Koundal KR and Mohapatra T (2005) Genomic constitution and genetic relationship among the tropical and sub-tropical Indian sugarcane varieties revealed by AFLP. Crop Science 45: 1750-1757

7.       Joseph M, Gopalakrishnan S, Sharma RK, Singh VP, Singh AK, Singh NK and Mohapatra T (2004) Combining bacterial blight resistance and Basmati quality characteristics by phenotypic and molecular marker-assisted selection in rice. Molecular Breeding 13: 377-387

8.       Singh NK, Raghuvanshi S, Srivastava SK, Gaur A, Pal AK, Dalal V, Singh A, Ghazi IA, Bhargav A, Yadav M, Dixit A, Batra K, Gaikwad K, Sharma TR, ………. Mohapatra T, Khurana JP and Tyagi AK (2004) Sequence analysis of the long arm of rice chromosome 11 for rice–wheat synteny. Functional and Integrative Genomics 4:102-117

9.       Nandakumar N, Singh AK, Sharma RK, Mohapatra T, Prabhu KV, Zaman FU (2004) Molecular fingerprinting of hybrids and assessment of genetic purity of hybrid seeds in rice using microsatellite markers. Euphytica 136: 257-264

10.   Varshney A, Mohapatra T and Sharma RP (2004) Development and validation of CAPS and AFLP markers for the white rust resistance genes in Brassica juncea. Theor. Appl. Genet. 109: 153-159

11.   Kohli Sudha, Mohapatra T, Das SR, Singh AK, Tandon V and Sharma RP (2004) Composite genetic  structure of rice land races revealed by STMS markers. Current Science 86:850-854

12.   Singh RK, Sharma RK, Singh AK, Singh VP, Singh NK, Tiwari SP and Mohapatra T (2004) Suitability of mapped sequence tagged microsatellite site markers for establishing distinctness, uniformity and stability in aromatic rice. Euphytica 135:135-143

13.   Mukherjee AK, Acharya LK, Panda PC, Mohapatra T and Das P (2004) Genomic relationship among two non-mangrove and nine mangrove species of Indian Rhizophoracea. Z. Naturforsch 59c: 572-578

14.   Goswami R, Mohapatra T, Gupta N, Rani R, Tomar N, Dixit A and Sharma RK (2004)  Parathyroid hormone gene polymorphism and sporadic idiopathic hypoparathyroidism. J. Clin. Endo. Metabolism  89: 4840-4845

15.   Mukherjee AK, Acharya LK, Mattagajasingh I, Panda PC, Mohapatra T and Das P (2003/4) Molecular characterization of three Heriteria species using AFLP markers. Biologia Plantarum 47: 445-448

16.   Santhy V, Dadlani M, Mohapatra T and Sharma SP (2003) Identification of the parental lines and hybrids of rice (Oryza sativa L.) using RAPD markers.  Seed Sci. Technol., 31 (1): 187-192

17.   Aggarwal RAK, Sharma R, Kumar R, Mohapatra T and Sharma RP (2003) Molecular mapping of loci affecting the contents of three major fatty acids in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.). J. Plant Biochem. Biotech.,  12: 131-137

18.   Selvi A, Nair NV, Balasundaram N and Mohapatra T (2003) Evaluation of maize microsatellite markers for genetic diversity analysis and fingerprinting in sugarcane. Genome, 46: 394-403

19.   Mohapatra T, Krishanpal, Singh SS, Swain SC, Sharma RK and Singh NK (2003) STMS-based DNA fingerprints of the new plant type wheat lines. Current Sci. 84: 1125-1129

20.   Sharma R, Mahla HR, Mohapatra T, Bhargava SC and Sharma MM (2003) Isolating plant genomic DNA without liquid nitrogen. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep., 21(1): 43-50

21.   Mishra GP, Singh RK, Mohapatra T, Singh AK, Prabhu KV and Zaman FU (2003) Molecular mapping of a gene for fertility restoration of wild abortive (WA) cytoplasmic male sterility using a Basmati rice restorer line. J. Plant Biochem. Biotech., 12: 37-42

22.   Karwasra SS, Mukherjee AK, Swain SC, Mohapatra T and Sharma RP (2002) Evaluation of RAPD, ISSR and AFLP markers for characterization of loose smut fungus Ustilago tritici. J. Plant Biochem. Biotech., 11: 99-103

23.   Shirkot P, Sharma DR and Mohapatra T (2002) Molecular identification of sex in Actinidia deliciosa var. deliciosa by RAPD markers. Scientia Hort., 94: 33-39

24.   Chen M, Presting G, ………Mohapatra T, Singh NK, Tyagi AK, Soderlund C, Dean RA and Wing RA (2002).  An integrated physical and genetic map of the rice genome. Plant Cell, 14: 537-545

25.   Sharma R, Aggarwal RAK, Kumar R, Mohapatra T and Sharma RP (2002) Construction of RAPD linkage map and localization of QTLs for oleic acid level using recombinant inbreds in mustard. Genome, 45 (3): 467-472

26.   Mohapatra T, Upadhyay A Sharma A and Sharma RP (2002) Detection and mapping of duplicate loci in Brassica juncea. J. Plant Biochem. Biotech. , 11: 37-42

27.   Shirkot P, Sharma DR, Mohapatra T and Shirkot CK (2002) Partial characterization of some kiwi fruit cultivars by RAPD markers. Indian J. Exp. Biol., 40: 233-236

28.   Mukherjee AK, Mohapatra T, Varshney A, Sharma R and Sharma RP (2001) Molecular mapping of a locus controlling resistance to Albugo candida in Brassica juncea. Plant Breeding, 120 (6): 483-487

29.   Rakshit S, Mohapatra T, Mishra SK, Dasgupta SK, Sharma RP and Sharma B (2001) Marker assisted selection for powdery mildew resistance in pea (Pisum sativum). J. Genet. Breed. , 55: 343-348

30.   Ray Choudhury P, Kohli S, Srinivasan K, Mohapatra T and Sharma RP (2001) Identification and classification of aromatic rices based on DNA fingerprinting. Euphytica, 118 (3): 243-251.

31.   Rao KSSVP, Varier A, Mohapatra T, Kumari KA and Sharma SP (2001) Electrophoresis of seed esterases and RAPD analysis of hybrids and parental lines of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) Plant Varieties Seeds (UK), 14 (1): 41-52

32.   Santhy V, Mohapatra T, Dadlani M, Sharma SP and Sharma RP (2000) DNA markers for testing distinctness of rice (Oryza sativa L.) varieties. Plant Varieties Seeds (UK), 13: 141-148

33.   Sharma R, Mohapatra T, Mukherjee AK, Krishanpal and Sharma RP (1999) Molecular markers for seed oil content in Indian mustard. J. Plant Biochem. Biotech., 8: 61-64

34.   Swain SC, Gaguli AK, Sahoo P and Mohapatra T (1999) RAPD analysis distinguishes four races of root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita). Indian J. Nematol., 29(1): 1-7

35.   Mohapatra T, Kirti PB, Kumar VD, Prakash S and Chopra VL (1998) Random chloroplast segregation and mitochondrial DNA recombination in somatic hybrid plants of Diplotaxis catholica + Brassica juncea. Plant Cell Rep., 17: 814-818

36.   Baldev A, Gaikwad K, Kirti PB, Mohapatra T, Prakash S and Chopra VL (1998) Recombination between chloroplast genomes of Trachystoma ballii and Brassica juncea following protoplast fusion. Mol. Gen. Genet., 260: 357-361

37.   Upadhyay A, Mohapatra T, Pai RA and Sharma RP (1996). Molecular mapping and character tagging in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) II. RFLP marker association with seed coat colour and quantitative traits. J. Plant Biochem. Biotech., 5: 17-22.

38.   Kirti PB, Mohapatra T, Khanna H, Prakash S and Chopra VL (1995). Diplotaxis catholica + Brassica juncea somatic hybrids: Molecular and cytogenetic characterisation. Plant Cell Rep., 14: 593-597

39.   Kirti PB, Mohapatra T, Baldev A, Prakash S and Chopra VL (1995). A stable cytoplasmic male sterile line with restructured organelle genomes from the somatic hybrid Trachystoma ballii + Brassica juncea. Plant Breeding, 114: 434-438.

40.   Sharma A, Mohapatra T and Sharma RP (1994). Molecular mapping and character tagging in Brassica juncea I. Degree, nature and linkage relationship of RFLPs and their association with quantitative traits. J. Plant Biochem. Biotech., 3: 85-89.

41.   Kirti PB, Narasimhulu B, Mohapatra T, Prakash S and Chopra VL (1993). Correction of chlorosis in alloplasmic male sterile Brassica juncea through intergenomic chloroplast recombination. Genet. Res., Camb., 62: 11-14.

42.   Mohapatra T, Sharma RP and Chopra VL (1992). Cloning and use of low copy sequence genomic DNA for RFLP analysis of somaclones of mustard (Brassica juncea). Curr. Sci., 62: 482-484.

43.   Nambisan P, Chopra VL and Mohapatra T (1992). DNA polymorphism in the cab locus of tomato induced by tissue culture.  Indian J. Exptl. Biol., 30: 178-180.

44.   Narasimhulu SB, Kirti PB, Mohapatra T, Prakash S and Chopra VL (1992).  Shoot regeneration in the stem explants and its amenability to Agrobacterium tumefaciens mediated gene transfer in Brassica carinata. Plant Cell Rep., 11: 359-362.

45.   Srinivasan, Mohapatra, T and Sharma RP (1991). Agrobacterium mediated genetic transformation of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.).  Indian J. Exptl. Biol., 29: 758-761.


B.  Short Research Communications


1.       Singh SS, Singh GB, Sharma JB, Chand N, Pandey, PC, Kaim MRS, Mohapatra T and Singh KP (2002) Development of new plant type (NPT) wheats with increased yield potential: methodology and response to various levels of fertility. Annual Wheat Newsletter, 48:81-86


2.       Singh VP, Singh AK, Atwal SS, Joseph M and Mohapatra T (2002) Pusa1121: A rice line with exceptionally high cooked kernel elongation and basmati quality. Intl. Rice Res. Notes 27.1: 25-26


3.       Mishra GP, Singh RK, Mohapatra T, Singh AK, Prabhu KV and Zaman FU (2001) Molecular mapping of fertility restorer gene in Basmati rice restorer line. Indian J. Genet., 61 (4):  48-49


4.       Ganguli AK, Ahlawat S, Mohapatra T, Sirohi A and Pankaj (1999) RAPD patterns of tomato cultivars showing differential reaction to Meloidogyne incognita. Ann. Pl. Protec. Sci. 7(2): 246-247


5.       Swain SC, Sahoo P, Mohapatra T, Ganguli AK and Kaushal KK (1995). A simple and easy method for rapid extraction of nematode DNA for RAPD analysis. Indian J. Nematol. 25(2): 225-227.


6.       Mohapatra T, Sharma A, Upadhyay A, Chopra VL and Sharma RP (1995).  RFLP mapping in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). Eucarpia Cruciferae Newsletter, 17: 22-23.


C.  Review Article


1.      Kalita MC, Phukan S, Mukherjee AK and Mohapatra T (2004). DNA technologies for characterization of plant genetic resources. J. Appl. Biosci. Biotech. 1:9-18


2.      Sharma RP and Mohapatra T (1996). Molecular mapping and tagging of genes in crop plants.  Genetica, 97: 313-320.



D.  Chapters in Books/Proceedings


1.       Mohapatra T, Varshney A and Sharma RP (2005) Molecular markers and their application in breeding crops for pest resistance. In: Integrated Pest management – Principles and Applications Vol. I (A Singh, OP Sharma and DK Garg, Eds), CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, India, pp 28-47


2.       Lakshmikumaran M, Mohapatra T, Gupta VS, Ranjekar PK (2003) Molecular markers in improvement of wheat and brassica. In: Plant Breeding - Mendelian to Molecular Approaches (HK Jain and MC Kharkwal, Eds), Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, India, pp 229-255


3.       Varshney A, Mohapatra T, Sharma RP (2003) Molecular mapping and marker assisted selection of traits for crop improvement. In: Biotechnology and molecular markers (Srivastava PS, Narula A and Srivastava S,  eds). Amanya Publishers, India pp 289-330


4.       Mohapatra T, Mukherjee AK, Srinivasan K and Sharma RP (2002) Molecular markers for characterization of pathogen population and host genes. In: Molecular Approaches in Plant Disease Management (GS Sekhawat et al, Eds), Malhotra Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 38-53


5.       Mohapatra T (2002) DNA fingerprinting concepts, methods and applications with special reference to roses. In: Advances in Floriculture. (ML Choudhary et al, Eds), Division of Floriculture, IARI, New Delhi, pp. 42-46


6.       Sharma RP and Mohapatra T (2001) Molecular Plant Breeding. In: National Syllabus of Genetics and Plant Breeding. (MC Kharkwal and RB Mehra, Eds), The Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, IARI, New Delhi, pp. 173-176


7.       Karihaloo JL, Bhat KV, Lakhanpaul S, Mohapatra T and Randhawa G (2001) Molecular characterization of germplasm. In: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources: A compendium of achievements. (BS Dhillon et al, Eds), NBPGR, New Delhi, pp. 166-182


8.      Mohapatra T and Chopra VL (2000) Molecular Plant Breeding. In: Plant Breeding Theory and Practice. (V L Chopra, Ed), Second Edition, Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, pp. 411-437


9.       Ganguli AK, Swain SC and Mohapatra T (1998). DNA based methods for identification of Nematodes. In: Recent Advances in Plant Nematology (P C Trivedi, Ed), CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, pp 247-261.


10.   Mohapatra N, Mohapatra T and Chauhan SVS (1998) Somaclonal variation in plants - a review. In: Plant Reproduction-Genetics and Biology (R N Gohil, Ed), Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, India, pp 155-188 


11.   Mohapatra T (1998) RFLP technique and its application in crop improvement. In: Molecular Approaches to Crop Improvement (J P Varghese, Ed), C. M. S. College Kottayam, Kerala, India, pp23-31


12.   Mohapatra T, Sharma A, Upadhyay A and Sharma RP (1996). RFLP mapping and analysis of seed coat colour and quantitative traits in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). In: Agricultural Biotechnology (V L Chopra et al., Eds), Oxford - IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, pp. 135-144.


13.   Kumar PA, Mohapatra T, Archak S and Sharma RP (1996).  Expression of Bacillus thuringiensis delta endotoxin in transgenic tobacco and cauliflower plants. In: Agricultural Biotechnology (V L Chopra et al, Eds.), Oxford-IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, pp 193-197.


E. Technical Bulletins/Training Manuals/Background Document


1.       Mohapatra T (1998) Use of RFLP markers in plant breeding: some statistical issues. Training Manual on Advances Statistical Genetics and Bio- statistics, Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi


2.       Mohapatra T and Sharma RP (1997). Fingerprinting crop varieties and hybrids. Training Manual, Summer School on hybrids and hybrid seed production technology of vegetables. Division of Vegetable Crops, IARI, New Delhi, pp 88-92.


3.   Mohapatra T (1995). Research and development as career: challenges to young scientists. Background Document, Young Scientists Session of 82nd Iindian Science Congress, Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi, pp 5-6.


F.  Popular Articles


1.       Ray Choudhury P, Mohapatra T and Sharma RP (2001). Uncovering the blue devil's genetic blue print: the story of prion. Everyman's Science, Vol. XXXV (4): 178-182


2.       Singh AK, Mohapatra T, Singh VP and Singh R (1998). Terminator Technology: Kya ho sakta hai asar hamare kisano par? Kheti, November 1998, pp 9-20


G. Presentation in Workshops/ Seminars/ Conferences/ Symposia


1.       Mohapatra T (2005) Molecular Breeding – A Tool to Improve Complex Traits. Workshop on Breeding for WUE, Root and Other Related Traits to Mitigate Drought, March 25-26, 2005, Department of Crop Physiology, UAS, Bangalore, India


2.    Mohapatra T (2005) Plant Biotechnology Options for the Development of Orissa. Workshop on Biotechnology Potentials for Orissa, February 11-13, 2005, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, India


3.    Mohapatra T (2005). Molecular Markers in Crop Improvement: Current Applications and Future Prospects. National Symposium on Biotechnological Interventions for Improvement of Horticultural Crops – Issues and Strategies, January 10-12, 2005, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala, India


4.    Mohapatra T (2004) Marker-Assisted Selection: Case Studies. International Agri-Biotechnology Conference, December 15-16, 2004, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka, India


5.       Sharma R, Mahla HR, Jambhulkar SJ, Singh G, Singh AK and Mohapatra T (2004) Non-destructive methos of direct PCR for plant systems. 73rd Annual Meeting, Society of Biological Chemists India, November 21-24, GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pant Nagar, India


6.       Mohapatra T (2003). Scientific and Legal Aspects of DNA Fingerprinting. DBT Sponsored DNA Fingerprinting Workshop, 17th June, 2003, The Energy and Resources Institute, Habitat Place, New Delhi, India


7.       Mohapatra T (2003) Molecular Breeding Specially in Mustard, Wheat, Rice and Chickpea. National Agricultural Technology Project Sponsored National Workshop on Agricultural Biotechnology, May 21-22, 2003, National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology, IARI, New Delhi, India


8.      Mohapatra T (2003) Functional Genomics of Rice. Indo-US Agricultural Biotechnology Conference on Nutritional Enhancement and Abiotic Stress Tolerance. May 15-17, 2003, The Taj Mahal Hotel, New Delhi, India


9.      Sharma RK, Singh AK and Mohapatra T (2003) The use of AFLP markers for analysis of genetic diversity in Indian jujube (Zizyphus mauritiana). National Symposium on Plant Biotechnology Role in Sustainable Development and 25th Meeting of Indian Plant Tissue Culture Association, February 17 –19, 2003, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.


10.   Mohapatra T (2002) Molecular Markers in Aid of Crop Improvement. International Workshop on Biotechnological Interventions for Dryland Agriculture: Opportunities and Constraints, July 18-20, 2002, Andhra Pradesh – Netherlands Biotechnology Programme, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, India


11.   Mohapatra T, Dixit A, Gazi IA, Sharma RK, Singh AK and Singh NK (2002) Use of the BAC based physical map in functional genomics of rice. Rice Functional Genomics Workshop, May 20-21, 2002, IARI, New Delhi, India


12.   Selvi A Nair NV and Mohapatra T (2002) Cross-transferability of maize microsatellites to Saccharum and their potential use in genetic analysis. International Symposium on Molecular Approaches for Improved Crop Productivity and Quality, May 22-24, 2002, Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India


13.   Selvi A Nair NV and Mohapatra T (2002) AFLP markers as useful tools in the diversity analysis and fingerprinting of modern sugarcane cultivars. International Symposium on Molecular Approaches for Improved Crop Productivity and Quality, May 22-24, 2002, Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India


14.   Singh RK, Singh AK and Mohapatra T (2001) Test of varietal uniformity in rice using STMS markers. Diamond Jubilee Symposium on Hundred Years of Post Mendelian Genetics and Plant Breeding - Retrospects and Prospects, November 6-9, 2001, IARI, New Delhi, India


15.   Lakshmikumaran M, Mohapatra T, Gupta V and Ranjekar PK (2001) Molecular markers in crop improvement. Diamond Jubilee Symposium on Hundred Years of Post Mendelian Genetics and Plant Breeding - Retrospects and Prospects, November 6-9, 2001, IARI, New Delhi, India


16.   Karihaloo JL and Mohapatra T (2001) Use of molecular markers in characterization and analysis of genetic diversity in crop plants. Symposium on Plant Genetic Resources Management: Advances and Challenges, August 1-4, NBPGR, New Delhi, India


17.   Ray-choudhury P, Kohli S, Srinivasan K, Mohapatra T and Sharma RP (1999) Identification and classification of aromatic rices based on DNA fingerprinting. General Meeting of International Program on Rice Biotechnology, September 20-24, Phuket, Thailand


18.   Varier A, Rao KSSVP, Mohapatra T, Nagaraja GS and Sharma SP (1999) Identification of sorghum and pearl millet hybrids and parental lines by seed morphology, electrophoresis of seed proteins and isozymes and RAPD analysis. World Seed Conference, September 6-8, Cambridge, UK.


19.   Joshi P, Sharma R, Verma VM and Mohapatra T (1999) Isolation of plant DNA by fixing leaves in ethanol. National Symposium on Role of Biochemistry and Biotechnology in 21st Century, March 4-6, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India


20.   Baldev A, Kirti PB, Bhatt SR, Mohapatra T, Kumar VD, Prakash S and Chopra VL (1998). Chloroplast assortment in Brassica somatic hybrids. International Symposium on Crop Improvement through Gene Transfer: Vision 21st Century, December 27,1997- January 1,1998, National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow, India


21.   Mohapatra T (1998) Application of molecular markers for improvement of crops for disease and insect resistance. International Conference on Pest and Pesticide Management for Sustainable Agriculture, December 11-13, C. S. Azad University of Agriculture and Technology, Kanpur, India


22.   Ram S, Dhar MK, Singh VP, Mohapatra T and Sharma RP (1998) Molecular mapping of loci affecting the cooking quality traits in basmati rice. Seventh National Rice Biotechnology Network Meeting, October 25-29, Bangalore, India


23.   Mohapatra T (1997) RFLP technique and its application in crop improvement. National Symposium on Molecular Approaches to Crop Improvement, December 29-31, C. M. S. College, Kottayam, Kerala, India


24.   Swain S, Ganguly AK, Mohapatra T and Sahoo P (1997) RAPD analysis of four races of root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, National Symposium on Integrated Pest Management, October 23-24,IARI, New Delhi, India


25.   Baldev A, Gaikwad K, Kirti PB, Mohapatra T, Prakash S and Chopra VL (1997). Intergenomic chloroplast recombination following protoplast fusion between Trachystoma ballii and Brassica juncea. Fifth International Congress on Plant Molecular Biology, September 21-27, Singapore


26.   Kirti PB, Mohapatra T, Baldev A, Gaikwad K, Prakash S and Chopra VL (1996).  Synthesis of alloplasmic male sterile lines of Brassica juncea through protoplast fusion and their improvement.  Fourteenth Intl. Cong. Sexl. Plant Reproduction, February 18-23, Lorne, Victoria, Australia


27.   Ram S, Dhar M, Mohapatra T, Kaushik GK, Singh VP, Zaman FU and Sharma RP (1996).  Molecular marker analysis of rice doubled haploids from an indica x japonica cross segregating for cooking quality traits. Second International Crop Science Congress, November 17-24, New Delhi, India


28.   Sharma R, Mohapatra T, Singh K and Sharma RP (1996).  Generation and use of recombinant inbred lines for mapping QTLs for seed oil content in Indian mustard. Second International Crop Science Congress, November 17-24, New Delhi,India


29.   Dhar MK, Ram S, Mohapatra T, Kaushik GK, Singh VP, Gupta N and Sharma RP (1996).  Molecular mapping of genes for cooking quality traits in rice. Fifth Annual Meeting, National Rice Biotechnology Network, November 13-16,IARI, New Delhi, India.


30.   Mridula, Sadananda AR, Dhar M, Mohapatra T, Gupta N, Singh VP, Zaman FU and Sharma RP (1995). Towards molecular mapping of genes for quality traits in rice.  Third Intl. Rice Genetics Symp., October 16-20, Manila, Philippines


31.   Kirti PB, Mohapatra T, Prakash S and Chopra VL (1994). Utilization of wild species in the improvement of mustard (Brassica juncea). Second Asia Pacific Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology, March 6-10, Madras, India


32.   Kumar PA, Mohapatra T and Sharma RP (1994). Expression of Bacillus thuringiensis delta endotoxin in transgenic tobacco and cauliflower plants. Second Asia Pacific Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology, March 6-10, Madras, India


33.   Sharma A, Mohapatra T, Sharma RP and Chopra VL (1994). Molecular mapping and characterisation of quantitative traits in mustard (Brassica juncea). Second Asia Pacific Conference on Agricultural Biotechnology, March 6-10, Madras, India


34.   Mohapatra T, Sharma RP, Joshi BC and Chopra VL (1992). Molecular characterisation of somaclones of mustard. National Symposium on Frontiers in Plant Biotechnology, November 25-27, IARI, New Delhi


35.   Sharma A, Mohapatra T, Sharma RP and Chopra VL (1992). Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism studies in Brassica. National Symposium on Frontiers in Plant Biotechnology, November 25-27, IARI, New Delhi.


36.   Sharma A, Mohapatra T, Sharma RP and Chopra VL (1992). Genome typing and molecular mapping in Brassica. International Conference on Plant Genome I, November 9-11, San Diego, California, USA


37.   Mohapatra T, Kalia CS and Puri RP (1991). Cytological alterations in Dalapon induced male sterile plants of mungbean. National Symposium on Grain Legumes, February 9-11, IARI, New Delhi


38.   Mohapatra T, Kalia CS and Puri RP (1991). Dalapon induced male sterility in mungbean. National Symposium on Grain Legumes, February 9-11, IARI, New Delhi


H.  Invited Lectures


1.     On Structural and Functional Genomics: Concepts, Methods and Applications. Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner, Rajasthan, 30th March 2005.


2.     On Genome Mapping and Gene Tagging in Plants in the National Workshop and Training on the Role of Bioinformatics in Agriculture. Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibres, Barrackpore, Kolkata, India, 19th to 24th March 2005.


3.     On Markers to Genomics to Markers: Going Round the Circle to Improve Crops in the Interdisciplinary Dialogue on Nanobiotechnology: Implications on Food, Health and Nutrition Security.   M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, India, 11th to 13th March 2005.


4.     On QTLs and Marker Assisted Selection in the Training Programme on Recent Advances in Biometrics, Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi, 24th November to 14th December 2004.


5.     On Molecular Markers in the Post Genomic Era in the International Training Programme on Molecular Markers in Crop Improvement. University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, India, 9th to 23rd November 2004.


6.     On Molecular Marker Technology and Abiotic Stress Tolerance in the Training Course on Abiotic Stress Resistance in Crop Plants: Physiological and Molecular Advances. Water Technology Centre, IARI, New Delhi, 1st to 21st September 2004.


7.     On Molecular Profiling of Germplasm Diveristy at the National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology, Rural Development Administration, Suwon, Republic of Korea. 19th August 2004.


8.       On Mapping and Tagging of Traits in Plant Species in the Training Workshop on DNA Based Marker Technologies and its Applications, The Energy and Resources Institute, Habitat Place, New Delhi, 21st to 30th July, 2003


9.       On Scientific and Legal Aspects of DNA Fingerprinting in the DBT Sponsored DNA Fingerprinting Workshop, The Energy and Resources Institute, Habitat Place, New Delhi, 17th June, 2003


10.   On Molecular Breeding Specially in Mustard, Wheat, Rice and Chickpea in the National Agricultural Technology Project Sponsored National Workshop on Agricultural Biotechnology, National Research Centre on Plant Biotechnology, IARI, New Delhi, India, 21st to 22nd May, 2003


11.   On Functional Genomics of Rice in the Indo-US Agricultural Biotechnology Conference on Nutritional Enhancement and Abiotic Stress Tolerance. The Taj Mahal Hotel, New Delhi, India, 15th to 17th May, 2003


12.   On Molecular Breeding in the Training Course on Gene Isolation and Characterization, Division of Biochemistry, IARI, New Delhi, 27th March to 16th April, 2003


13.   On DNA Fingerprinting in the Second Orientation Course on Application of Molecular Markers to Wheat Improvement, Directorate of Wheat Research, Karnal, India, 20th to 29th March, 2003


14.   On Biochemical and Molecular Techniques for Varietal Identification in the Training Course on Advanced Biochemical Techniques, Division of Biochemistry, IARI, New Delhi, 11th to 27th February, 2003


15.   On Scope and Potential of Molecular Marker Assisted Selection for Improvement of some of the Rainfed Crops in the Workshop on Molecular Marker Assisted Selection for Improvement of Rainfed Crops, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, Hyderabad, India, 18th and 19th February, 2003


16.   On Molecular Markers in the Training Course on Physiological and Molecular Basis of Abiotic Stress Resistance in Crop Plants, Water Technology Centre, IARI, New Delhi, 16th to 30th December 2002


17.   On Structural and Functional Genomics in Crop Plants in the Training Programme on Molecular Marker Applications in Plant Breeding, Division of Genetics, IARI, New Delhi, 26th September to 5th October, 2002


18.   On Characterization of Plant Genetic Resources using DNA Markers in the Training Programme on Micropropagation of Horticultural and Forest Species, Regional Plant Resource Centre, Bhubaneswar, India, 7th to 27th January, 2002


19.   On DNA Fingerprinting: Concepts, Methods and Applications with Special Reference to Roses in the Training Programme on Recent Advances in Floriculture Research, Division of Floriculture, IARI, New Delhi, 1st to 20th December, 2001


20.   On Molecular Plant Breeding: The Concept, Methods and Applications in the Training Programme on Biometrical Methods for Agricultural Research, Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi, 22nd November to 12th December, 2001


21.   On Plant Variety Characterization using DNA Markers in the First Orientation Course on Application of Molecular Markers to Wheat Improvement, Directorate of Wheat Research, Karnal, India, 15th to 29th October, 2001


22.   On AFLP- a Tool to Identify Variability and its Application in Breeding for Disease Resistance in the Training Course on Application of Molecular Techniques in Plant Pathology, Division of Plant Pathology, IARI, New Delhi, 15th May to 4th June, 2001


23.   On Molecular Breeding in the Training Course on Genomic Library Construction and Screening, Division of Biochemistry, IARI, New Delhi, 31st  March to 20th  April, 2001


24.   On Molecular Genetic Tools in Plant Genetic Resource Management and Utilization in the Trainer's Training Programme on Plant Biodiversity, NBPGR, New Delhi, 2nd to 21st March, 2001


25.   On DNA Fingerprinting for Plant Variety Identification in Spring Seminar on Contemporary Biology: Plant Genetics and Genomics, University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi, 2nd & 3rd March, 2001


26.   On Molecular Marker Assisted Breeding for Resistance to Fungal Pathogens in the Training Programme on Identification of plant Pathogenic and Bio-control Fungi of Agricultural Importance, Division of Plant Pathology, IARI, New Delhi, 14th September to 13th October, 2000


27.   On RAPD Markers in Gene Mapping and Marker Assisted Selection in the Training Course on PCR Amplification and Cloning of Genes, Division of Biochemistry, IARI, New Delhi, 29th March to 18th April, 2000


28.   On Requirements for Valid Application of DNA Technology for Variety Identification in the National Consultation on Application of DNA Markers for Crop Improvement: Issues and Perspectives, M S Swaminathan Research Foundation, Chennai, India, 19th February, 2000


29.   On Molecular Markers in Plant Breeding: The Concepts, Methods and Applications in the Training Course on Advanced Statistical Techniques in Research for Crop and Animal Improvement, Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi, 3rd to 17th January, 2000


30.   On Molecular Markers as Aids to Plant Breeding in the Training Course on Molecular Techniques for DNA Fingerprinting, National Research Centre for DNA Fingerprinting, NBPGR, New Delhi, 29th November to 18th December, 1999


31.   On Use of RFLP Markers in Plant Breeding: Some Statistical Issues in the Training Course on Advances in Statistical Genetics and Bio-statistics, Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute, New Delhi, 31st July to 14th August, 1998


32.   On Molecular Marker Assisted Breeding for Disease Resistance in Crop Plants in the Training Course on Detection and Management of Wheat Pathogens, Division of Plant Pathology, IARI, New Delhi, 16th to 30th July, 1998


33.   On RFLP Technique and its Application in Crop Improvement in the Seminar on Molecular Approaches to Crop Improvement, C. M. S. College, Kottayam, Kerala, India, 29th to 31st December, 1997


34.   On DNA Technology for Species Identification in the WHO sponsored Inter-country Workshop on Identification and Confirmation of Sibling Species of Malaria Vectors, Malaria Research Centre, Delhi, 15th to 27th September, 1997


35.   On Fingerprinting Crop Varieties and Hybrids in the Summer School on Hybrids and Hybrid Seed Production Technology of Vegetables, Division of Vegetable Crops, IARI, New Delhi, 7th to 26th April, 1997.

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Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra
Principal Scientist
National Research Center on Plant Biotechnology
Lal Bahadur Shashtri Building
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
New Delhi-110012
TeleFax: 91-11-25843984